Urban flooding is a prevalent issue worldwide, particularly in developing countries with rapidly
increasing urban populations. Ethiopia is no exception, and flooding has devastating impacts
on people's lives and safety. ...
Droughts rank among the most pervasive natural calamities, deeply affecting global
socioeconomic endeavors and individual welfare on a worldwide scale, with Ethiopia
experiencing significant ramifications that exacerbate ...
Getaneh Bekele Esho; Dr. Adinew Tadess; Dr. Abera Admasu; Dr. Alemayehu Getachew(Haramaya University, 2024-09)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which the application of flipped
classroom instruction would improve students’ reading skills. The participants of this study were
second-year students of ...
Ali Hassan Daher; Dr. Dereje Tadesse Birbirso; Dr. Abera Admassu Endashaw(Haramaya University, 2024-09)
This study aimed to investigate the practices and challenges of English language learners
in speaking classroom in the case of Bachelor of Arts in English language at the University
of Djibouti; in other words, one of ...
This research was conducted with the objective of assessing roles of media in creating
awareness about climate change in Dire Dawa Administration. Survey was conducted with 399
respondents and five key informant ...
This thesis studies about The Introduction and Expansion of Protestantism in Hadiya, (Ca. 1928-
1991). The year 1928 was a watershed in the birth of Protestant Christianity among the Hadiya
society while the year 1991 ...
Climate variability is recognized as one of the greatest challenges of our world today. It is
predicted to have adverse consequences on the world’s ecosystems, economies and societies. The
severity of adverse effects ...
Drought was one of the most damaging climate-induced threats impacting the lives of many
people every year in general and study area in particular. The purpose of this study was to
determine adaptation strategies of ...
Land use change is one of the challenges that aggravate environmental problems. Understanding
the scope of land use change and consequences is very crucial for proper management of land
resources. This study examines ...
The study examined the factors those affecting coffee value chain survey in Nensebo Woreda coffee farmers’ cooperatives unions in selected four kebeles and to assess
whether coffee is suitability for export by undertaking ...
Community policing has attracted increasing attention as a strategy to improve public security.
The adoption and implementation of community policing are expected to bring a paradigm shift
in tackling crime and anti-social ...
Climate variability is recognized as one of the greatest challenges of our world today .It is
predicted to have adverse consequences on the world’s ecosystems, economies and societies.
The severity of adverse effects ...
Displaced people due to development projects face many socio-cultural and economic
challenges. Assessment on displaced persons due to the Dire Dawa City Administration`s Sabian
Redevelopment Project was conducted to ...
Bizunesh Sintayehu; Dr. Mengistu Dagnew; Dr. Mulu Birehanu(Haramaya University, 2023-09)
his study aimed to assess the influence of childhood gender-based socialization, particularly
within the family, schools, and religious institutions, on developing gender perspectives. The
research was conducted in the ...
Arif Taha; Dr. Biniyam Bogale; Dr. Temam Haji(Haramaya University, 2024-04)
The study has tried to Assess the practice and value of Ashura festival. It also examines the
current practice of this festival in the study area. The descriptive design backed by case
analysis, both qualitative and ...
he current Kacha Bira woreda has underwent immense historical transformation—political,
social, and economical. However, little is known about these historical accounts of the feudal
Emperor Haile Sellassie I and Derg ...
This thesis presents “A History of Badanno Woreda from 1941 to 1991.” This thesis examined
the administrative, economic and socio- cultural development in the Woreda during the imperial
(1941- 1974) and the Derg (1974- ...
he thesis was conducted on climate variability correlation with Tuberculosis disease Chiro
District, West Hararghe zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. The objective of the study were
to assess the climate variability ...