Urban flooding is a prevalent issue worldwide, particularly in developing countries with rapidly
increasing urban populations. Ethiopia is no exception, and flooding has devastating impacts
on people's lives and safety. ...
Droughts rank among the most pervasive natural calamities, deeply affecting global
socioeconomic endeavors and individual welfare on a worldwide scale, with Ethiopia
experiencing significant ramifications that exacerbate ...
Drought was one of the most damaging climate-induced threats impacting the lives of many
people every year in general and study area in particular. The purpose of this study was to
determine adaptation strategies of ...
The study examined the factors those affecting coffee value chain survey in Nensebo Woreda coffee farmers’ cooperatives unions in selected four kebeles and to assess
whether coffee is suitability for export by undertaking ...
he thesis was conducted on climate variability correlation with Tuberculosis disease Chiro
District, West Hararghe zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. The objective of the study were
to assess the climate variability ...
Squatter settlement is present a critical urban management challenge in Ethiopia. The objective
of this study was to examine spatial change of squatter settlements and determinant factors in the
Sululta town, Shegger ...
The study examined Impacts of early marriage variables among married women in Miesso
District, West Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region Ethiopia. The study was limited to married
women from three remote-conflicted rural kebels ...
In past decades, Guagusa Shikudad Woreda was characterized by dense vegetation cover. After two decades, these different land cover types are dramatically changing due to drivers of forest cover change. The objective of ...
Proper solid waste management requires the commitment of the town municipality and
the active involvement of the community members. However, many studies were confirmed
that there is improper solid waste management in ...
The main issue in developing countries continues to be access to high-quality, safe water, which
is still a critical indicator of a community's improved social and economic well-being. The
purpose of this study is to ...
The main objective of this study is to investigate causes and consequences of street vending in the
study area. This study is located in Eastern Hararghe Zone, Chinaksen town. The research design
used in this study was ...
Bayisa Tolosa Yadate; Dr. Solomon Tekalegn; Dr. Awol Akmel(Haramaya University, 2023-10)
The ever increasing amount of solid waste generated which is exacerbated by lack of proper
waste management system is the concern of countries in the world due to its social, economic
and environmental implications. ...
As climate change continues to impact various regions, its effects were not uniform and influenced
by many factors. The objective of this study was to analyze analysis of gender vulnerability to
climate change and ...
The objective of this study was to assess flood causative factors, flood hazard, and risk
spatial distribution in the Upper Awash Valley Sub-basin using a Geographic information
system and remote sensing techniques ...
The impacts of climate variability are adversely affecting crop productivity of farmer’s household
of Ethiopia in general and study area in particular. The variability in amount and time of rainfall
and rising temperatures ...
Climate variability is one of the serious environmental problems that have many public
impacts in most parts of the world due to its consequence. This study was initiated to
investigate the climate variability; its ...
Climate change which are mainly attributable to recurrent droughts have been a major challenge in the Ethiopian lowlands. Despite recognizing features as one of the most important factors in the study of climate change and ...
The broad concept of community based land management practices refers to
activities on the ground that uses appropriate technologies with full participation
of all stakeholders. The purpose of this study was to assess ...
Climate change is one of the major global challenges and has significant impacts on
agriculture, particularly on livestock production. In Ethiopia, which is predominantly an
agricultural country, livestock production ...
Teha Ahmed Tolola; Solomon Asfew (PhD); Solomon Tekalign (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-06)
Adoption of improved enset farming are playing vital role in improving household food security in Ethiopia. This study’s major aim was to analyze the adoption of improved enset farming and its impact on the household food ...