The study examined the factors those affecting coffee value chain survey in Nensebo Woreda coffee farmers’ cooperatives unions in selected four kebeles and to assess
whether coffee is suitability for export by undertaking raw analysis and cup tasting in the
use of coffee farmers’ cooperative unions resources for coffee value chain survey. A
descriptive survey research design and explanatory research design were adopted.
Purposive and stratified sampling techniques were used to select respondents.A mixed
research approach was used whereby both qualitative and quantitative data analysis
techniques applied. Data were analyzed on quantitative basis using Pearson correlation
and descriptive statistics. The findings of the Pearson correlation survey indicate that
all relationships between the independent variables that were the five performance of
coffee value chain components were appropriate based on the coffee farmers
cooperatives union rules and information’s and the performance of coffee value chain
proved whether positively and significantly correlated. Based on the findings, the
researcher was recommended that coffee value chain survey should improve the actors
roles and relationships, access to market and finance, government issues, competition
issues and human and physical issues and the Oromia region concerned body should give
more attention for the revision of the over-sighting body coffee farmers’ union structure
for the performance of coffee value chain. The study focused different major areas of
coffee farmers’ union structure and the scenario indicates the necessity of further
research in this area.