Community policing has attracted increasing attention as a strategy to improve public security.
The adoption and implementation of community policing are expected to bring a paradigm shift
in tackling crime and anti-social ...
Mahlet Seifu; Prof. Jeyelan Wolyie(Haramaya University, 2022-07)
As Dire Dawa is territorially coterminous with the Somali and Oromo regions, it became
a bone of contention between the two regions. Both regions lay their claims over the city
on the basis of ethnic territoriality. ...
Ahmed Abdiasis Muse; Feyera Dinsa Hundessa, (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
The main of the study was to investigate the role of community elders in transforming inter-clan conflicts in the Gardo district. This study employed a qualitative research approach and case study research design. Primary ...
FADUMO AHMED ABDI; Feyera Dinsa Hundessa, (PHD](Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2023-11)
Local governance is part of the government of a country which deals mainly with problems or
issues related to a given population within a given territory. Peace building refers to as a process
of strengthening a society’s ...
The interface between tourism and sustainable development has been a field of research since the 1980s. Tourism is also a continuously growing sector with huge impact. By giving due emphasis to its positive impact, some ...
ANEWAR UMER ABDULLA; Dr. Dawit Negassa(PhD); Dr. Sesay Augustine(Haramaya University, 2019-02)
The main purpose of this study is to assess the practices and challenges of school based
teachers‟ continuous professional development in secondary schools of East Hararghe Oromia
Regional State. The study is used four ...
Politically engineered violence along the Oromia-Somali border displaced more than a million ethnic
Oromo in 2018. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) resettled in Oromia Special Zone Surrounding
Finfinne (Addis Ababa) ...
Roba Peteros Yosef; Prof Jeylan Wolyie Hussein; Dr. Gutema Imana Keno; Dr. Aberra Degefa Negewo(Haramaya University, 2023-02)
The Karrayyu have long history of conflictual interactions with neighboring communities which
is dated back to the imperial era. Culture of fame and clash over the grazing areas were the main
factors for the conflict ...
This study has examined Roles, practices and challenges of customary conflict resolution
mechanisms among Hadiya: The case of Misrak Badawacho Woreda. To achieve the objective
of the study, the qualitative research ...
This thesis dealt with the causes, actors and the impacts of the Mareko-Gurage inter-ethnic conflict in the Mareko woreda of Gurage Zone, Ethiopia. The study examined the underlying factors that caused violent inter-ethnic ...
Conflict over land resource is one of the serious social problems among the agrarian
communities of Ethiopia. In order to handle bad consequences of land related conflicts the
rural society relies on different mechanisms ...
wolyie hussein, Jeylan; beyene, Fikadu Major Advisor (PhD)(Haramaya university, 2016-03)
he Jarso and the Girhi are Oromo and Somali clans respectively. The two have long history of
sociopolitical and economic interactions and forged local coalition to confront the politicaleconomic
pressures from the centre. ...
Abdi Ahmed, Hirsi; Wolyie, Prof. Jeylan(Haramaya University, 2018-01)
This study intended to find out the role of customary institution in managing resource based dispute among Somali pastoralists in Harshin district, Somali regional state, Ethiopia. the specific objectives were to assess ...
This study intended to find out the role of customary institution in managing resource based dispute among Somali pastoralists in Harshin district, Somali regional state, Ethiopia. the specific objectives were to assess ...