This research was conducted with the objective of assessing roles of media in creating
awareness about climate change in Dire Dawa Administration. Survey was conducted with 399
respondents and five key informant ...
Climate variability is recognized as one of the greatest challenges of our world today. It is
predicted to have adverse consequences on the world’s ecosystems, economies and societies. The
severity of adverse effects ...
Land use change is one of the challenges that aggravate environmental problems. Understanding
the scope of land use change and consequences is very crucial for proper management of land
resources. This study examines ...
Climate variability is recognized as one of the greatest challenges of our world today .It is
predicted to have adverse consequences on the world’s ecosystems, economies and societies.
The severity of adverse effects ...
Climate variability has the tendency of negatively affecting the socio-economic
development of a society at both community and national level. Thus, as a developing
country, Ethiopia is one of the victims of climate ...
Hassan Shiek Nur; Dr. Sitotaw Haile(Haramaya University, 2023-09)
Different studies explored that disaster risk reduction adaptation and coping mechanisms
practices of pastoral communities as a whole. However, there is lack of specific studies
focused on pastoral women’s role regarding ...
Climate variability is among the major environmental challenges of the 21st century. Temporal and spatial rainfall and temperature variation during different season induces an important challenge to Nutrition of Children ...
Ethiopia is a country highly vulnerable to climate change and climate change-induced shocks. The adverse impacts of climate change and variability, as well as climate-induced shocks, are putting increasing pressure on rural ...
Land, together with its water bodies, delivers manifold ecosystem services which are the foundation for human lives and well-being. However, unmanageable land use/ cover and climate change are putting a strain on the flow ...
Globally, the lake and wetland areas are one of the most sensitive and fragile ecosystem due to the ongoing climate change and human activities. As a result, it needs special attention and managed in sustainable manner. ...
Climate change has been one of the greatest challenges of global community in 21th century.
Though climate change and variability affect all sectors of economy, the agriculture sector
particularly the smallholder farming ...
Drought is the most complex and least realized of all the natural hazards affecting more people
than any other hazards. This research was conducted in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woreda
with the objectives of characterizing ...
It is obvious that proper solid waste management plays a significant role in improving the
environment, public health, and socioeconomic activities of the urban areas. Thus, this
study was conducted with the main ...
It is obvious that proper solid waste management plays a significant role in improving the
environment, public health, and socioeconomic activities of the urban areas. Thus, this
study was conducted with the main ...
The objective of this study is to examine the variability and trends of rainfall and temperature, to
assess the effects of climate variability on wheat crop production and to examine the existing
adaptation strategies ...
The dynamics of malaria transmission can be influenced by climatic factors, and in Ethiopia,
malaria has been a significant public health issue as well as a barrier to socioeconomic
growth. In light of this, this study ...
A number of factors determine smallholder household’s decision to the choice of adaptation
strstegies to the effects of climate change. There is a lack of empirical studies on local level
assessemnet and individual ...
Hussen Mohammed Hussen; Solomon Tekalegn (Ph.D.); AwolAkmel (Ph.D.)(Haramaya University, 2020-09)
This study aimed to assess the major features of drought and drought risks and identify the
key determinants of choice of adaptation strategies to drought. For this, 160 sample
households were randomly selected for ...
The study was conducted in rural kebeles of Dire Dawa focusing on the impact of Climate
Smart Agricultural practices on household food security together with the identification of
Climate Smart Agricultural Practices ...
Flood is the most frequent disaster and causes loss of life and destruction of property. The
objective of this study was to analyze flood effects, mapping, and management strategies in
Sebeta Hawas District of Oromia ...