Shewakena Teklegiorgis Belete; Dr. Sintayehu Workeneh; Dr. Anteneh Belayneh; Dr. Kidane Gebermeske; Dr. Gbenga Festus(Haramaya University, 2024-12)
Globally, approximately 17% of valuable ecosystems are impacted by invasive alien species
categorized as high or very high threats. The spread of invasive alien plants (IAPs) is
exacerbated by changes in climate and land ...
The study was conducted in Adada, Awale and Biyo Awale kebele, Dire Dawa Administration,
with the objectives of evaluating the intervention and non-intervention area plant species
diversity, population distribution, ...
The current status of vegetation composition and condition of Ethiopian rangelands were highly
deteriorated due to factors such as bush encroachment, alien invasive plant species, recurrent
droughts, overgrazing, and ...
The rangelands in Ethiopia are highly deteriorating due to different anthropogenic factors like, overgrazing, bush encroachment, invasive alien plant species (IAPSs) coupled with climate change impacts. This study was ...
The rangeland vegetation composition, health and condition analysis are basic source of
information in the sustainable management and planning of rangelands. Therefore, this study
aimed to determine vegetation composition, ...
SINTAYEHU KIBRET BIRU; Lisanework Nigatu (Ph.D.); Mohammed Mussa (MSc)(2023-03)
Rangeland is the primary source of livestock feed, on which the livelihood of pastoralists
depends. This study intended to fill the scientific information gap in the Dassench districts of
the South Omo Zone, aiming to ...
Abdurahman Mikael Saedo; Dr. Hirut Yirga (PhD); Dr. Sintayehu Workeneh (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-03)
The study aimed to assess the major livestock feed resources, dry matter production of major feed
resources, feed requirement, and feed balance in the Erer District of Erer valley, Eastern Ethiopia.
A multi-stage cluster ...
In Ethiopia, Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and their related ecological, social, and economic
impacts are increasing. The expansion rate of P. juliflora (Mesquite) brought economic,
social and ecological problems in Afar ...
This study assessed the impacts of Lantana camara on elephant habitat use and feed
availability in Babile Elephant Sanctuary (BES), Eastern Ethiopia. Both primary and
secondary data collection method were used. Primary ...
The aim of the present study was to analyze the floristic composition (diversity, density,
abundance, population structures, and regeneration status) and socio-economic
importance (mainly the local value in the livelihood ...
Dairy production in Ethiopian is not commensurate between quantity of milk production and
consumers demand and the main challenges for the dairy producers is to produce larger
quantities of milk while using sustainable ...
The study was conducted at Gara Ades protected vegetation of Doba woreda, Western Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia; from October to December 2017 with the objective of analysing the woody vegetation structure, diversity and ...
Getye Ytagesu, Kininet; Workeneh, Dr. Sintayehu(Haramaya university, 2020-09)
This study assessed the impact of Lantana camara invasion on herbaceous species diversity and soil physio-chemical properties in Babile District, Eastern Ethiopia. To collect the vegetation data, 1mx1m plots were laid down ...
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the most important foods and oil crop. However, the production and productivity of the crop are constrained by various factors, which include low seed quality and fungal diseases. ...
Yonas Aborre, Derejie; Zewdu, Professor Tessema(Haramaya university, 2020-06)
The research was conducted in Babile Elephant Sanctuary in East Hararge zone of Oromia Regional state of Ethiopia with the aim of identifying the plant community and analyzing their diversity, structure and regeneration ...
A total of 300 day old Cobb 500 broiler chicks were distributed randomly into 20 pens with
15 chicks per replication with a total of 5 different feed treatments to evaluate the growth
performances and carcass characteristics ...
A study was conducted in Tselemti district, which is found in the northwestern zone of Tigray Regional state, North Ethiopia. The objectives of the study were to determine vegetation structure, biodiversity restoration ...
The study was conducted at Keramile exclosure of Goro-gutu district, Eastern Ethiopia, to determine the effects of coniferous tree species on distribution, species diversity, ground cover and biomass yield of the herbaceous ...
The study was conducted in Meta Robi district, west Shoa zone of Oromia Regional State with the
objectives to assess the sheep grazing lands vegetation dynamics as feed resources in sheep
dominated areas and to improve ...
White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) is rich in quality protein, relatively tolerant to drought, soil salinity, and acidity, increases the fertility of soils and can contribute to improve white lupin food security and reduce ...