The purpose of this study was to assess existing challenges of applying different teaching
methodology in teaching physical education in Ginir woreda secondary schools to implementing
different teaching methodology in appropriate with the lesson of physical education. This study
utilized a descriptive survey design. The descriptive survey provided qualitative information from
a representative sample of the sampling frame by the use of an interview guide, observation
checklist and questionnaires. The source of population of this study were 400 students, 6 PE
teachers and 4 school principals from four selected schools of Ginir Woreda were participated to
provided information for the researchers regarding to challenges of applying different teaching
methodology in physical education in GWSS. The total number of sampling populations were
410 was participate int his study. For this study the research frame includes a Grade 9th
- 12th
students selected from Ginir, Akasha, Welta’i and Elbuko secondary school from total population
of 4322 students the researcher selected 400 from those four secondary school by simple random
sampling method ,6 physical education teachers and 4 school principals were selects by
available (census) sampling method. The checklist was used to ascertain the availability of the
resources and the challenges there in. Frequency and percentages would have preferred to
analyze data because it is simple and every body can understand the result presents by frequency
and percentage. moreover, the researcher found this statistic to be an appropriate analyzing tool
as it conveys the required findings of the study under investigation reasonably.
The findings of the study indicated that Most students had the interest to learn physical
education, There was unavailability of playground for practical class,football playground and
materials,basketball court and materials,handball playground and materials, materials for track
& field events,gymnastics equipment,insufficiency of sport facilities, and lack of reference book,