The different methods that farmers use for production and processing of Enset plant are traditional. The introduced improved Enset processing mainly differ from traditional methods in terms of time and labour requirement and their material output in quantity and quality. Traditional methods of processing are cumbersome, labour intensive, unhygienic, impose a lot of inconveniences to the working women, and associated with high yield loss. On the other hand, the introduced technologies improve the processing of Enset products, through improving some devices such as Enset decorticator and squeezer machines. However, most of the introduced improved Enset processing technologies were not effectively utilized and adoption of this processing technology was not fully successful. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating ineffectiveness of the improved Enset processing technologies in adoption in the targeted areas with its associated factors. Cross sectional study was designed and conducted and structured questionnaires were prepared and a total of 95 respondents were selected in the targeted district. Multivariable ANOVA and t-test were used to evaluate factors associated with adoption and effectiveness of introduced improved Enset processing technologies. The result of the study showed that factors such as training, the high cost of stainless steel, improper system in Government and non-governmental mechanization to support the users, the absence of spare parts and maintenance service affected both adoption and effectiveness. Education status, land size, cost of processing technology were also factors that affected adoption of improved Enset processing technology. Participants who had primary education, adult education and higher education levels were more likely to adopt improved Enset processing technologies than illiterates. The participants who had land size greater than two hectares were more likely to adopt Enset processing technologies than those who had less than one hectare of land. Respondents who had training about improved Enset processing technologies were many times more likely to adopt improved Enset processing technologies than respondents who did not. There was a significant difference between decorticating and squeezing time among the respondents who had training compared with those who did not have. Mechanizing Enset production process could also enhance and improve the lifestyle of female farmers through extension of different technologies. Further studies should be conducted to improve the performance of the technologies based on factors and its adoption in the country at large.