The high diversity of plant species in homegardens has significant socioeconomic and agro ecological implications for rural livelihoods. The current study was carried out in Soro
district from September to May 2023.G.C, with the primary goal of determining perennial pla
ntsdiversity, carbon stock and the socioeconomic contribution of homegarden agroforestry pr
actice to rural household livelihoods. Purposive sampling techniques were considered to
select the study area, proportionate sampling techniques were used to select kebeles and each
household was selected by systematic random sampling technique. Three Kebeles were
deliberately chosen based on the abundance of homegarden agroforestry accessibility and
three elevation gradients. A plot size of 10 m x 10 m was used to inventory plant species in 27
home gardens from a total sample size of 110. All plants with more than 5 cm DBH (at 1.3 m
height) were measured and recorded.. Plant species diversity was inventoried, and biomass
assessment and soil organic carbon were carried out for 27 homegardens from 110 total
sample sizes. A total of 54 plant species belonging to 43 families were recorded in the studied
homegarden. Fabaceae was the most frequent family in the study area and it is represented by
six species. The diversity differed significantly (p≤0.05) along the elevation categories. The
importance value index of individual perennial plants in the homegarden was Ensete
ventricosum was ranked first with a mean IVI of (48.2%) in the tree-Ensete dominated
homegarden agroforestry system. The degree of species richness was highest at Sundusa foll
owed by Danetora and Bambo respectively. The mean Shannon Weiner diversity index in the t
hree elevation was194,1.88,and1.79 fo rperennial plants high elevetion,midelevetion,and low
elevation respectively. According to the study results the mean total biomass carbon and soil
carbon stocks were significantl (p=0.001) higher in the upper elevation(32.36±15.81Mgc ha-1
) allowed middle (26.77±12.93Mgc ha-1
) and lower (19.21±9.09Mgc ha-1
) elevation. The mea
n soil organic carbon was higher in upperelevation (35.83±3.02Mgc ha-1
) followed middle (3
4.4±2.30Mg cha-1
) and lower (30.11±2.02Mgc ha1
) respectively. Perennial plants in homegar
den agroforesity is a source of food and cash crops, household income source, animal
feed, source of medicinal plants, and benefits from livestock products. The study emphasizes
the need to prevent future risks to plant species and homegarden economic performance.