The purpose of this study was to find out Assessment of major factors influencing achievement
of female students in Mathematics in preparatory schools of Dire Dawa city administration.
To address this, the study investigated whether there are any significant influencing factors
related to teachers, parent, social media, excessive watching on Kana TV, and environment
related factors on achievement of female students in Mathematics. It also observed any
significant difference among the factors that certainly affect female student’s achievement. To
attain this objective, three governmental preparatory schools in Dire Dawa city
Administration were selected purposively due to their geographical location and their
accommodation of large number of female students relative to other preparatory schools. To
undertake the study, descriptive survey method was used. 223 preparatory female students
were selected by stratified random sampling from each school, where as simple random
sampling method was employed for the selection from each section (class) and six
Mathematics teachers (4 male and 2 female), three unit leaders, three vice directors and two
supervisors of the school were selected by simple random sampling techniques.
Questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussion as well as document analysis were
used as main tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied for data analysis. The
results of the data analysis were presented using frequency, percentage, standard deviation,
correlations & Regression analysis. This study concluded that teachers-related factors are
disinterest & irresponsibility of mathematics teachers, work load, lack of feed back to home
work & class work, lack of clarity of language and lack of using compatibly methodology.
Environment related factors were shortage of water lit rant, lack of reference material in
girl’s library, hotel near to school and school distance from their home. Parent related factors
were lack of income, the relation between parents &mathematics teacher and a shortage of
time to assess their activities. The social media related factors were killing of their time,
decreasing their study interest and it pushed bad practicing like drug abuse. On the other
hand except for parent related factors, there was a strong positive significant correlation
between each factor at 0.01 level of significance. In addition to this from the regression model
kana TV was the most dominant factors that affected female student’s achievement in
mathematics. Generally the researcher was recommended research to be done in future on identifying female student individual factors that makes them fail in mathematics while
performing better in other subjects such as English. The research must also be conducted on
individual teacher factors that affect their teaching practice to the extent female students are
poorly performing in mathematics.