dc.description.abstract |
Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to meet the growing
food demands. However, farmers’ participation in the rehabilitation and management of smallscale
irrigation schemes in Ethiopia has largely been peripheral. Irrigation systems cannot meet
their intended objectives without appropriate governing organizations to manage, maintain and
operate the systems, and require the active involvement of the community for their sustainable
operation. Therefore, this study identified and analyzed, the socio- economic, institutional and
organizational factors affecting participation of smallholder farmers in small-scale irrigation
and its effect on household income in Deder Wereda of East Hararghe Zone. Two stage
sampling procedure was used for the selection of sample respondents. First, the total irrigation
user kebeles of the district were identified and four kebeles were selected using simple random
sampling. At the second stage, 150 sample respondents were selected using stratified sampling,
probability proportion to size and simple random sampling method. A cross-sectional survey
method was used and data was collected through semi-structured interview schedule, focus
group discussions, key informant interview and direct personal observation. Descriptive
statistics and Heckman’s two-stage estimation model were used for data analysis. The analysis
revealed that sex of the household head, availability of family labor force, total livestock holding
and access to extension service are significant factors affecting both participation in small-scale
irrigation and irrigation income. Whereas, distance from household’s residence to the water
source, size of cultivated land and perceived soil fertility status are significant factors affecting
participation in small scale irrigation and. land under irrigation is significantly affect irrigation
income. In addition, management bodies of irrigation water users associations in the study
areas are criticized for their poor performance in scheme management and for not fulfilling
their responsibilities in protecting the infrastructure from being damaged. Therefore, it is
important to apply the right agricultural practices and management systems in order to increase
agricultural productivity and production. Effectiveness in internal governance is needed for
sustainable use of resources and to enhance participation in small-scale irrigation schemes
thereby improve small holder farmers’ income |
en_US |