The purpose of this study was to assess the practices of instructional supervision in
secondary schools of Dinsho woreda, Bale zone, Oromia Regional State. The study
employed a descriptive survey design, using qualitative data to enrich quantitative data.
The respondents included 54(84%) teachers selected by using simple random sampling
technique. In addition, 8 instructional supervision committee members were included in
the study. Two principals and, one secondary school supervisor participated.
Questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection supplemented with interview.
Frequency, mean and percentage analysis were employed to analyze the data. While the
qualitative data obtained through interview was analyzed using descriptive narrative
method. The results of the study reveal that the practices of instructional supervision
were low. Instructional supervisors should take notes of the observation by recording
exactly the activities of both the pupils and the teacher and make suggestions for further
improvement. Instructional supervision committee members should be free from routine
tasks and reduced their teaching load. The instructional supervision techniques such as
demonstration teaching, classroom visitation and observation, workshops, seminars and
conference with teachers should be utilized by instructional supervisors for effective
teaching and learning process. Improving their instructional practices, how to take
notes of the observation by recording exactly the activities, how to make suggestion for
further improvement, regular and continuous supervision of teachers should be
encouraged rather than snappy and unscheduled visits