The purpose of the study was to investigate the practices and challenges of school-based instructional
supervision in secondary schools of West Hararghe Zone. Total populations are 300 and among these
116 samples are taken and sampling techniques used here is simple random sampling and availability
sampling techniques, the design used descriptive survey design. Questionnaires, interviews and
document analysis were used to gather data. The data were tabulated and analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively using percentages, mean and average mean. The findings of the study show that; the
supervisors did not play roles expected of them, the teachers role in supervision was negligible, the
teachers’ and school-based supervisors’ perception did not go in line with the intensions and principles
of supervision, teachers have negative attitude towards supervision, the major problems that affect
supervisory practices in the school were: supervisors’ unskilled, lack of participatory approach,
shortage of finance, lack of proper training and awareness of supervision, supervisors were
inexperienced, uncertified and unspecialized to conduct supervisory practices properly and efficiently,
absence of regular classroom observation, supervisors overloaded of work, absence of shared decision
making procedure, lack of follow up, did not facilitate school self evaluation and assist need based
training at school, pre and post observation conference were not provided and supervisors consider
themselves as superior in position and teachers perceive them as fault-finders,. The recommendations
are teachers, principals and department heads should well oriented and trained in supervision, the
school should provide relevant and sufficient training about supervision and make it more systematic
and carefully planned, clear concepts on objectives, principles, functions and consequently on the
techniques of school based supervision should be stated in the school for each teachers, supervisors and
make agreement on the points which should be observed before class observation.