The purpose of this study was to analyze practices and challenges in implementing
integrated functional adult literacy program in Harari regional State. For this study,
descriptive survey research design was employed; both qualitative and quantitative data
were gathered through questionnaire, interview, observation and document review.
From the region, four woreda were selected using cluster, IFAL program centers were
selected using simple random sampling and the facilitators and learners were selected
using table of sample size determination following simple random sampling techniques
of the total sample size of the two study groups; 332(92.7%), IFAL program learners
and 51(100 %) facilitators filled in and returned the questionnaire. In addition, 4
woreda education coordinators, 4 experts and 10 Supervisors were interviewed. The
collected data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages and chi-square test. The
finding of the study indicate that mostly of the IFAL program was affected by IFAL
program is planned by woredas educational expert without full participation of other
stakeholders’. The planning process was carried out without need assessment of
environment, the planning process was carried out without needs of the learners and
the needs of large society was not considered, There is no clearly stated roles and
responsibilities of stakeholders and IFAL Program was not organized through
formulated legal structure from region to centers’, Only information through informing
the center to learners and low level or unequal participation of stakeholders in IFAL
program implementing. Therefore, to alleviate these problems, it is recommended that:
there should be established participatory monitoring and evaluation system. Building
sense of ownership among the society, supplying sufficient and appropriate IFAL
program facilities, proper allocate budget and organizing conducive learning
environment the program were suggested.