dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to examine the practices, challenges and opportunities
of ICT integration in learning-teaching process in secondary schools of Bale Zone at
Oromia Regional State. In order to effect this purpose, about the current practices of
ICT integration in learning-teaching process in secondary schools, challenges
encountered while integrating into learning- teaching activities, the opportunities
that the schools have to expand ICT integration in learning teaching and the possible
solutions to improve the current status of ICT integration in learning–teaching
process in secondary schools of Bale Zone. Depending on the problem of the
research, descriptive survey method was employed to analyze the data. To select
sample secondary schools, a purposive sampling technique was employed. Twelve
ICT teachers, 6 principals and 6 woreda ICT experts were selected as representative
sample using available sampling technique while 32 department heads were selected
by purposive sampling technique and 185 students were selected by using stratified
random sampling technique. Information was solicited from the sample respondents
through questionnaire, interview and document analysis and then analyzed using
frequencies, percentages and t- test by using SPSS v.20. The data gathered through
interview and open ended questionnaire were analyzed through narration and
interpretation. The findings of the study were, the educational level of majority ICT
teachers were diploma TVET (level III) which is not going with standard set by MoE,
they were not well experienced and not received training on pedagogy. The major
challenges identified were lack of computer, internet, plasma TV, equitable budget
allocation, ICT laboratory class, furniture, appropriate skilled man power and
absence of laboratory technicians in the school which lead ICT not to integrate
in learning teaching process. Thus, to improve the situation, it is advisable to supply
sufficient facilities through community involvement, allocating budget from
government and different NGO’s. To improve capacity building, majority of
respondents need training regarding creating charts, e-mailing, creating graphs and
word processing. It needs to provide hands extensive and different short term
training. Regarding opportunities, females were fall behind due to lack of spare time
to practice in the schools and money to have computer at their home. School
principals and teachers should be encouraging them to strengthen equity in the
school by establishing females ICT club |
en_US |