dc.description.abstract |
This study was conducted to assess the Practices and Challenges of Teachers Continuous
Professional Development Program in Secondary Schools of East Shoa Zone, Oromia
Regional State. The samples of the study were taken from Ude, Bulbula, Bora, Bosat, Kunce
dekabora and Hawas melkasa secondary schools comprised 93 teachers, 6 principals, 6
supervisors, and 12 WEO officials were included as sample. The study includes both
quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data was collected through self administered
questionnaires, interviews and document reviews. Qualitative data was analyzed after it was
organized through coding and categorization. Frequencies, percentages, and mean scores
were used to summarize demographic variables of respondents’ and describe variables used
to measure respondents opinions on the Practices and Challenges of Teachers Continuous
Professional Development Program in Secondary Schools of East Shoa Zone, Oromia
Regional State. The overall result indicated that teachers participate in CPD activities such
as induction, student-centered teaching, continuous assessment, classroom management,
and issues of partnership. Majority of the teachers maintained their CPD portfolio but they
were not actively engaged in CPD activities. Teachers’ participation was low in CPD
activities such are action research and issues related to students’ discipline. The result of
the study revealed that there were some achievements of CPD, these achievements included
that: CPD improved teachers classroom management skills, helped teachers to develop
greater sense of efficacy (beliefs about) teachers capacity to impact student achievements,
leveraged efforts to improve student achievement, enhanced sustained changes in teaching
practices, strengthened important psychological and motivational aspects in teaching,
enhanced opportunities for interaction with program participants and other professionals.
As the result of the study indicated there were challenges which hindered the implementation
of CPD, these challenges included that: Lack of management support, lack of information,
high work load, weak monitoring and evolution system, low level of teachers’ commitment
and lack of resource teachers’ sufficient content knowledge. Frequencies, percentages, and
mean scores were used to summarize respondents’ opinions on practices of the various
activities of CPD: teachers’ participation in different areas of CPD activities and challenges
to participation in CPD activities. Similarly, one way ANOVA was used to compare the
means of independent variable between the three groups of participants. It was found that
there is significant contribution of TDP to improve the quality of education and positive
development with respect to opportunities created to enhance teachers’ professional
development. Professional development activities were consistent with the intention of the
Education and Training Policy. However, the study found that the low level of commitment
among teachers and low management support, and weak monitoring and evaluation system.
Finally, it is recommended that greater focus should be given by MoE, REB, ZEO, WEO,
schools, teachers and other responsible bodies to improve the situation as reform programs
require strong follow up, commitment and strong management |
en_US |