dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to assess the status and challenges of KETB members
participation in the management of preparatory schools in the North Shoa Zone. The
study employed a descriptive survey research design, which employed both quantitative
and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. Data were obtained from both
primary and secondary sources. Six woredas and six preparatory schools were included
in the study using random sampling techniques. The respondent of the study were
Committees' members, teachers, school principals and supervisors that included 72
members of committees,121 teachers, 12 school principals and 6 supervisors. While
random sampling was used to select teachers and available sampling was used to select
school committees' members, school principals and supervisors. The data collection
instrument were questionnaire and interview. The collected data were analyzed using
frequencies, percentages and chi-square test to see the significant dif erence among the
respondent groups. Some of the major findings were, concerning to the current status of
KETB members participation in the management such as KETB members visiting the
schools beyond the regular meeting time, to give quick response to the problem
encountered in teaching learning process, and to make decision for the complaints of
principals and teachers were not done at all. With respect to participation of the KETB
members participation in the key management functions such as planning, in allocating
and approving budget and how the school budget is spent and participate in controlling
school property, participate in monitoring and evaluation of the teacher performance
and evaluating the impact of community participation in students achievement was very
low. Regarding to challenges af ect KETB members participation, lack of confidence, reluctance or lack of commitment, lack of incentive, inappropriate and shortage of time
arranged for board meeting were found as major hindering factors. Thus, to improve
this situation, involving KETB members in key management functions such as planning, decision making, implementation of the plan, managing disciplinary issues and
monitoring and evaluation process, assessing the overall activities of KETB members
and provide reward to those members who performed well in their respective positions, providing continued training to KETB members in planning, decision making, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation and working in the area attitudinal problems of the
community problems in order to bring smooth relationship and active participation of
community representative in the area of preparatory school management. |
en_US |