Introduction: Antenatal care is comprehensive care that pregnant women receive from organized
health care services to promote and maintain optimal health of the mother through out the pregnancy,
labor and puerperium. High quality antenatal care is important to safeguard their health help women
maintain normal pregnancies and reduce the rate of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.
Studies conducted to assess quality of antenatl care service which describes the components of
antenatal care that the woman receive during her pregnancy and do not describe the factor that affects
quality service and also they do not illustrate the quality service. There fore this study tried to fill the
gap which was not address by previous studies.
Objective: To assess quality of Antenatal care service and associated factors in Harar town
governmental health facilities Harar, Ethiopia from January 30 to February.
Materials and Methods: Facility based cross sectional study that employed quantitative method
supplemented with qualitative method was used. Exit interview was conducted on clients who had
ANC follow up. Observation on the health care provider was performed while providing antenatal
care. In-depth interview was conducted on one purposively selected antenatal care provider. Facility
infrastructure, supplies and equipment and health care practices during Antenatal clinic was assessed
.Collected and checked data were entered in to EpiData software version 3.02 and exported and
analyzed using SPSS version 21. Both Bivarate and multiple logistic regressions were used to
observe the association between the outcome variable and associated factors.
Result: Among the Focused Antenatal Component personal history, Blood presure measurement,
Laboratory evaluation and provision of supply were provided for majority of the clients. The overall
prevalence of quality of ANC service was 24.3%. Women who had history of still birth 2 times more
likely (AOR = 2.936, 95% CI: 1.177 -7.320) Women who had more than four visit were 4.5 times
more likely (AOR = 4.592, 95% CI: 1.318 - 12.996), women whose privacy maintain while
counseling were 4 times more likely (AOR = 4.110, 95% CI: 1.753 -9.637) having quality of
antenatal care services than their encounters.
Conclusion: Generally, the studies showed that majority of clients were not received quality
Antenatal care service.Consultation room for keeping privacy should have to maintain for providing
quality Antenatal care service by the health facilities.