dc.description.abstract |
The study was assessed smallholder chicken production practices and locally available feed resources. Six kebeles from two districts and 30 households (HHs) from each 6 kebeles were selected purposively and stratified to local, exotic, and mixed breed keepers. Four locally used ration samples were identified, collected and analyzed at Haramaya University Animal nutrition laboratory. The average flock size was highest in mixed breed (16.6 chickens) rearing strata. Purchase (36.1%), extension (29.33%), and hatching (28.9%) were the main rearing stock sources. The primary aim of chicken rearing was to generate income in all strata but, it was highest in exotic breed rearing strata (66.7%).Fast age of sexual maturity, higher matured bodyweight and more average number of eggs/clutch was recorded for exotic breeds than local and hybrid, due to their higher growth and feed conversion potential.The most dominating form of production practice was seasonal/conditional supplementation for local (46.7%) and mixed breed keepers (46.7%), whereas, regular supplementation for exotic breeds (56.7%). Grains and kitchenleft overs were the main supplementary feeds for local breed keepers, whereas, grains, kitchen/miller grind wastes and locally mixed rations for exotic and mixed breed keepers. Nutrients in locally used ration were above/below the optimum nutrient requirements of chicken. Lack of awareness (45.33%), poor understanding (33.63%), and lack of capital (20.74%)were the main reasons for weak/no supplementation of chickens in all strata.Poor productivity, disease and old age were the main reasons for culling in all strata but, lack of brooding/mothering ability was exceptional for local breeds. Newcastle, Gumboroo, Coccidiosis, and external parasitic diseases were economically important diseases in all strata. The action of using modern medication and treating was highest in exotic breed rearing households (56.14%) whereas, it was weak for local breeds (23.26%). Egg productivity (62.5%) and bodyweight (29.2%) were the main traits for selecting hens in all three strata, whereas, mothering/brooding ability (40%) was exceptional trait for local breed selecting.Due to presence of uncontrolled(100%) chicken matting local genes were being diluting by exotic ones. Egg size, yolk quality, shell cleanness and shell color were the main determinants of market price of egg, whereas, body weight, feather color, sex and comb type of chickens were the main determinants of market price of live chickens in all strata. Demand seasonality(50.56%), poor infrastructure(25%), lack of daily market (21.67%) and unstable prices (2.77%) were the main problems of live chicken and egg marketing in all strata. There was weak extension access in all strata, generally, and to some extent it is better in exotic breed keeping strata (63.3%). Due to weak extension service and other limiting factors, the farmers who participated in the poultry sector were losing numbers of chickens by disease and predators.Hence, planned training and awareness creation on chicken management, planned vaccination schedule, conserving the exploiting genes of local ecotypes, equal attention for the poultry sector with other agricultural sectors and scientific research on local mixed rations and traditionally used medication routines are recommended based on the result to increase the productivity of the sector in the districts. |
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