The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges that teachers face when teaching
students with intellectual disabilities in Ahmedgragn primary School at jig-jiga city
administration Somali regional state. A qualitative case study design was employed to
investigate the problem and answer the research questions of the study. Out of the 27 teachers
teaching in the school, eight school teachers were selected using purposive sampling technique.
In order to collect data, interview method and observation were used. Oral face-to-face
interview was held with the four teachers by using semi-structured interview guide and the data
were tape recorded. Classroom observation was also employed using a checklist. A thematic
analysis method was used to analyze and present the qualitative data obtained through interview
and observation methods and finally the data were interpreted. Findings revealed that
participant teachers have some knowledge about children with intellectual disability. However,
they faced many challenges including lack of appropriate teaching materials that could help the
teachers when teaching students with intellectual disability, lack of conductive school
environment, shortage of practical skill on how to support students with intellectual disability,
rigid curriculum, and lack motivations and poor salary. This study offers recommendations to
support and enhance the professional development of teachers to work and to teach effectively
with students with intellectual disabilities in Ahmedgrgn primary school. Provision of the
necessary educational facilities, instructional materials, sufficient resources, relevant
curriculum and frequent monitoring and supervision will help solve the problem