dc.description.abstract |
The study was conducted to investigate the effect of blending ratio and fermentation time on the
sensory acceptability and nutritional quality of pumpkin-tef injera product. For the study a
factorial design of two factors were used. The factors were blending ratio of pumpkin in tef
(B0 = 0%, B1=5%, B2 = 10% and B3 = 15%) and fermentation time (2, 3 and 4 days). All the
triplicate data were analyzed using two factors analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS
(Version, 9.3.1). Fisher’s Least significant difference (LSD) test was used for mean separation at
P<0.05. The interaction of fermentation time and blending ratio had significant effect on
nutritional and anti nutritional content of injera. Injera fermented for two days with 15%
pumpkin contained 9.02, 10.44, 4.42 and 4.92% moisture, crude protein, crude fiber and ash
contents respectively and were higher than those of the control (F1B0). Injera with some
percentage of pumpkin and 3 days of fermentation contained 8.32, 11.02, 4.00 and 4.76%
moisture, crude protein, crude fiber and ash contents respectively and were higher than those of
the control (F2B0). Injeras of 4 days fermentation and having 15% pumpkin contained 8.02,
11.55, 3.23 and 4.76% moisture, crude protein, crude fiber and ash contents, respectively, and
were higher than in injera of the control (F3B0). Overall, reduced crude fat and carbohydrates
contents were obtained after blending. In terms of mineral and vitamin content, injeras of 2
days fermentation with 15% pumpkin contained 180.20, 5.60 and 0.97 mg/100g Ca, Zn and beta
carotene contents, respectively, and were higher than those of the control (F1B0). Similarly
those with 3 days fermentation with 15% pumpkin contained 178.80, 5.73 and 0.98 mg/100g for
Ca, Zn and beta carotene contents respectively and were higher than those of the control
(F2B0). 4 days fermented injera with 15% pumpkin contained 184.21, 5.96 and 1.21 mg/100g for
Ca, Zn and beta carotene contents, respectively, and were higher than those of the control
(F3B0). Overall, reduced Fe contents were obtained after blending. In regard to anti-nutrients
generally reduced condensed tannin and phytic acid contents were obtained after blending.
There were reductions in score of all sensory attributes after blending. The lowest scores in all
attributes were observed in 2 days fermented injera with 15% Pumpkin. Generally it is possible
to produce tef injeras by blending with pumpkin flour of 10 up to15 % with liking levels of
acceptability. |
en_US |