The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the talent management practices,
challenges, and prospects at public universities in Eastern Ethiopia. The study's design was
mixed (exploratory and descriptive). Also, the research approach was mixed (quantitative and
qualitative). Data was collected through a survey questionnaires and key informant interviews
with active academic staff and Human Resource directors, respectively. According to the results
of the descriptive statistics, the majority of participants disagreed with the aggregated mean
values of 2.585953, 2.563408, and 2.4148265 regarding the identification, retention, and
utilization of talent, respectively. With an average score of 2.883479, the opinions received from
respondents about talent development shows were neutral relative to the three aspects. Based on
the finding of descriptive statistics it could be concluded that eastern Ethiopian public
universities are not now using Talent Management strategies to identify, develop, retain, and
utilize their talented employees. In addition, the analysis of qualitative data revealed that the
primary challenges preventing institutions from implementing Talent Management strategies
include, among other things, a lack of awareness caused by the federal government's Human
Resource policies, not including Talent Management strategies. Finally, it was recommended
that the federal government should incorporate the Talent Management strategies in its policies
so that it allows the universities to implement them, and eastern Ethiopian public universities
should work to create awareness of Talent Management strategies since it has a crucial role in
the ensuring effectiveness of the institutions.