ILIYAS AHMED BEKER; D.rMurad Ali (PhD); Dr.Temesgen K. Bellisa (PHD)(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2024-12)
Global economy must undergo a transition from utilize of non-renewable to renewable energy
resources, for environmental sustainability objective. This strategic shift is crucial for country
as it provides a certain ...
This study aimed to investigate the effect of unemployment on economic growth in Somalia.
One of the specific objectives was to describe the trends of unemployment and economic
growth in Somalia. To accomplish these ...
his study aimed to investigate the effect of unemployment on economic growth in Somalia.
One of the specific objectives was to describe the trends of unemployment and economic
growth in Somalia. To accomplish these ...
This study examines the effects of remittances on economic Growth across 34 countries in sub Saharan Africa over the period from 2000 to 2022. Utilizing a panel data approach, this analysis
investigates the direct effects ...
Abdirahman Abdilahi Mohamoud; Dr Srikardammu; Dr. Murad A.(Haramaya University, 2024-03)
Performance appraisal system are processed designed to assess and evaluate an
employee’s performance within an organisation. It offers a chance to regularly assess
pre-determined objectives. The research aimed to investigate ...
Getasew Demoze Wondie; Dr. Mebratu Leak(Haramaya University, 2023-03)
This study is undertaken to investigate the’ Factors Affecting Interest Free Banking Service in
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia: In Case of Harar City Branches. To achieve the aim of the
study the primary data was collected ...
Employee engagement is used to describe how emotionally invested and devoted
individuals are to their jobs and their organizations. The major objective of this study was
to evaluate employee engagement and organizational ...
ABIYOT LAKEW; Molla Alemayehu (PhD); Temesgen Kebede (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2024-03)
The potential of solar energy in addressing global energy challenges, particularly in regions like
Ethiopia with abundant sunlight, cannot be overstated. This study investigates the potential of
solar energy adoption, ...
Tax payers’ satisfaction rises, so do the revenues available to fund public services, on the other hand the tax payers’ dissatisfaction would have a consequential effects on the revenue generation of the public activities. ...
Tesfaye Amenu; Bereket Mamo (Assistant Professor(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
This study determinated employee resilience in the healthcare workforce in the study area. Stratified sampling techniques were used. Primary data were collected from 250 sample respondents and analyzed by using descriptive ...
The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of credit management techniques and lending practices on financial performances of commercial banks operating in Bahir Dar City. To address the research objective, ...
The main objective of this study was to examine the factors affecting operational performance of
interest free banking services in Ethiopia: the case of commercial bank in Ethiopia, Haramaya
branch. The study has ...
This thesis investigates the effect of quality of work life on employees’ performance in private
and public-owned banks in Ethiopia. Quality of work life has the most dominant effect on
employee performance and productivity ...
The main purpose of the study was to analysis the effect of job satisfaction on employee job performance in Haramaya University. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used and the primary data was gathered through ...
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the talent management practices,
challenges, and prospects at public universities in Eastern Ethiopia. The study's design was
mixed (exploratory and descriptive). ...
The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of perceived price fairness on customer
satisfaction in the case of Adama Steel and Nail Factory. Data for the current study were
collected from 400 customers; the unit ...
The COVID-19 disaster generated a problematic phenomena for the banking industry since it
severely limited employee-customer connections and relationships. The banking industry's
major obligations are to comprehend ...
The main objectives of this study were to examine urban households’ electricity access, to
analyze urban households’ intensity of electricity use and evaluate households’ satisfaction
level on electricity availability ...
Matias Tsedeke; Dr. Srikar Damu; Dr. Mulugeta Demie(Haramaya University, 2022-12)
The academic staff at Haramaya University College of Health and Medical Science, which is located
inside Harari Regional State, is the subject of this study, which investigates the impact of training on
performance. ...