The objective of the study were to investigate Practices of School-Based Professional
Development in Selected Secondary Schools of Arsi Zone,Oromia Regional State.
A descriptive research design was employed for the Study. The sample of the Study were
26 principals, 12 supervisors, 126 teachers and 12 heads of woreda experts of teachers'
development work officers and/owners from 12 woredas of east Arsi Zone. Teachers were
selected using simple random sampling method due to the implementation of CPD in these
Schools were homogenous since they were governed in the same Zone whereas principals,
supervisors and heads of woreda experts of teachers' development work officers
and/owners were included in the Study using available sampling technique because they
were few in number. The data for the study was gathered using different data collection
tools. Among these,questionnaire,interview,and document analysis were employed for the
study. The findings indicated that the implementation of CPD were challenged by different
factors to reach the expected objectives. Even though teachers tried to implement the
activities absence of allocated time, finance and incentives for CPD, less availability of
CPD materials, less monitoring, evaluation and feedback, less/no/ commitment of
teachers, less assistance of CPD concerned bodies, poor planning and management
system, less training and experience sharing,and inadequate knowledge base of teachers
made its implementation less. In general practices of CPD was not effective as it was inte
nded. Therefore,there should be continuous monitoring,evaluation, feed back,and awarene
ss creation training and experience sharing ,support of supervisors and school CPD facili
tators, adequate allociation of time, finance,and incentives for CPD.