dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investgate instructional leadership of principals in secondary
schools of pastoralist woredas inBale zone , Oromia Regional State. In order to address the
objectives of the study descriptive servey design was employed.The quantitative data was
collected using a questionnaire from school principals, Supervisors and teachers. The
qualitative data was collected using an oneway interview from school principals and
supervisors. The sampling technique used to select teachers, principals and supervisorssample
was simple Random sampling technique.The quantitative data was collected and analyzed by
using one way ANOVA , percentages, frequency counts and means while the qualitative data
obtained from interview was analyzed using narration and description in the way it
supplement the quantitative data. The findings revealed that ,among instructional leadership
practice of principals in secondary school of pastoralist woredas in Bale zone, there is low
level of Instructional leadership activities, instructional leaders’ role in communicating
school goals are very low, low coordination and evaluation of instruction, weak monitoring of
school activities, weak protection of instructional time, less maintaining high visibility,
promoting professional developments are below to the average. Whereas, coordination of the
curriculum, providing incentive for teachers, and incentive for students were significantly low performed. Based on findings it is concluded that, instructional leadership of principals in
Balezone pastorialworedasseems to be at very low level. On top of the findings,
recommendations are forwarded to address the challenges that hinders the principals’ faced
in their instructional leadership activities mainly focusing on empowering both principals
and schools community to foster instructional leadership practices in the secondary schools of
the Bale zone pastoralist woredas. Thus, it is advisable forWoreda education offices, Zonal
Educational Department, and Regional Education Bureau in cooperation with nongovernmental
organizations facilitate the training programs for the effectiveness of principals. |
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