The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting teachers’ motivation in CPD in the
secondary schools of East Hararghe Zone. Descriptive survey design was employed. Both
quantitative and qualitative data were gathered, organized and analyzed The sample size was
212 teachers, 10 principals, 10 vice principals, 10 supervisors, 2 CPD facilitators and 2
woreda education office experts with the total of 246 participants out of 1280 study
populations. Multi stage sampling techniques were used to select sample respondents in the
study. The data gathering tools employed were questionnaire, interview as well as document
review. Interview were administered for 2 CPD facilitators and 2 Woreda education experts
.Whereas, questionnaire was administered to 212 teachers and 30 school leaders. However,
201 teachers and 30 school leaders total 231 respondents were properly filled and returned
the questionnaire. Then, the information gathered through closed-ended questionnaire was
analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean score and t-test. Whereas, the data gathered
through interview and open-ended questions were narrated qualitatively. The study revealed
that, teachers’ motivation towards CPD is low, the absence of reward, recognition and the
dalliance of government licensing scheme affected teachers’ motivation in CPD.Moreover,
low stakeholders’ attention and lack of trained CPD facilitators were also affected teachers’
motivation in the participation of CPD in secondary schools of East Hararghe Zone. It was
concluded that teachers did not successfully accomplish the CPD program. Thus, government
should launch the proposed plan of licensing in the teaching profession. ZED and WEO also
ought to apply licensing, re-licensing, certification and career promotion for teachers after
finishing the 60 hours CPD training. Moreover, ZED and WEO should provide necessary
training for School CPD facilitators and mentors regularly. It was also recommended that
school leaders should practically assist teachers and should be able to create strategic
direction and plan for the school in collaboration with stakeholders