dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was aimed at assessing the community perception towards the
private schools in Jigjiga City Administration. The objective of this study was to assess
the community perception towards overall performance, towards physical facilities, cost
effectiveness and school culture Descriptive survey method was employed which include
quantitative and qualitative methods. The study was carried out in ten 34.48 % private
schools of Jigjiga city administration, this study included ten private school owners, ten
directors, 225 Community/parent Members, city education counsel head, Woreda
education head and regional education expert and total participants were 248. The data
were collected through questionnaires, focused group discussion, document analysis, and
observation. Questionnaires were administered to the community members, FGDs were
conducted with directors and school owners, the interviews were conducted with
education experts at different levels( regional , woreda and city administration) . The
findings revealed that the perception of community towards the various practices of
private schools in Jigjiga, the community perceived as first rank for the implementation
of the curriculum is very high, also they perceived the quality of the teacher is second
rank. Is indicates that the majority of the community or parents are happy with existing
teaching staff. The community perceived the school culture and academic effectiveness as
third and fourth rake. This shows the parent/ community are satisfying by the schools but
school owner have headache on pass over student affect their student physiologically in
school level particular and national level in general . But regarding perception of
community in cost effectiveness and physical facilities of the private schools ranked least
indicates that these two variables must be improved. Overall conclusion is these schools
are doing very good but they have some weaknesses specially in facilitating the physical
environment of the schools, thus it is recommended that the private school should work
with stakeholders and draw strategies to enhance the overall effectiveness of the schools
for which there should be regular intervention from parent committees and supervisors of
the Jigjiga city administration. |
en_US |