This study was conducted to assess the validity and reliability of COC items in the case of
Washera broad view college which is the center for COC examination at DebreMarkos town.The
purpose of the study was to check the current situation or status of items which administered for
certificate of competency candidates. The subjects of the study were 142 out of 150 certificate of
competency candidates from different TVET colleges of Debre Markos Town in 2015/16
academic year in Washera Broadview college which is the center of the examination for all
colleges in the town. stratified method sampling technique with lottery method were employed,
because there two stratus which were department of cooperative accounting and computer
networking. since the study focuses on item analysis, test papers were the main source of data.
The statistical methods of data analysis were mainly used. As the study indicated some of COC
items were not at appropriate level of difficulty as well as discrimination index, even there were
items at good and very good quality. Interms of consistency also there were very strong
correlations as well as low negative correlations were observed as calculated and analyzed by
the formula of Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and Spearman Brown prophecy
Rank-order correlation coefficient .therefore regarded bodies such as educational leaders,
teachers, item experts and ministry of education should give much attention in order to have
sound or qualified measurement and evaluation tools.