Development of wheat varieties for high yield with desirable grain quality for different agro
ecologies of the country is important. Estimation of variability is critical for variety
development. This study was conducted at Axum Agricultural research center in 2016/17 main
season to assess the extent of genetic variability of wheat genotypes for yield, yield related and
grain quality characters as well as to determine association among characters. The
experiment was laid out using 7 x 7 triple lattice design. Data were collected for 17 agronomic
and grain quality characters, and subjected to analysis of variance which, revealed significant
differences among the genotypes for all the characters. Grain yield ranged from 2.37 to 5.44 t
ha-1 with a mean of 3.95 t ha-1, while grain protein content ranged from 11.93 to 15.43%, with
a mean of 13.79%. Moreover, four new entries (ETBW8486, ETBW8475, ETBW8480 and
ETBW9016) produced yield ranging from 4.52 to 5.44 t ha-1 and protein content of 13.1 to
14.67% which is higher than that of the best performing check variety (King bird). Most of
these genotypes were also early maturing (97-105 days) than the released varieties. The
genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) ranged from 1.63 (for starch content) to13.30% (for
grain yield), while phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) varied from 1.63 (starch content)
to 21.88% (for number of effective tillers). The broad sense heritability (H2) ranged from
15.89 (for number of tillers) to 97.1% (DH), while genetic advance as percent of mean (GAM)
ranged from 2.01(for starch content) to19.63% (for days to heading). The GCV and PCV
differences were low in magnitude for days to heading and days to maturity and H2 values for
these traits were coupled with moderate to high GAM, suggesting that selection based on
phenotype of genotypes could be effective to improve these characters. Grain yield was
positively and significantly correlated with biological yield (BY) (0.72), harvest index (HI)
(0.65), plant height (PH), thousand kernel weight (TKW) (0.31), hectoliter weight (HLW)
(0.37) and starch content (SC)(0.32) of which BY and HI had the highest positive direct effect
on grain yield at the genotypic levels. Selection for higher mean values of BY and HI could be
considered simultaneously for selection of higher yield, while selection for PH, TKW and
HLW could be used as indirect selection of genotypes for grain yield. The genetic distances
measured by D2 and Ward's clustering method grouped the 49 genotypes in to five distinct
clusters of which Cluster II and Cluster I comprised of 15 (30.61%) and 13 (26.53%)
genotypes (superior for BY and GY), respectively. Clusters III and IV consisted of eight
genotypes each and Cluster V contained five genotypes which are superior for Grain quality
traits and early maturity. The maximum distances were observed between Cluster V and IV
(123.48) thus, greater heterosis in the F1. The first five principal components explained
80.12% of the total variation. The study indicated the presence of wide variation among the 49
wheat genotypes, which could be exploited to develop high yielding varieties with desirable
grain quality and early maturing genotypes, where terminal moisture stress is the major
constraint in Axum. Hence, ETBW8486, ETBW8480 and ETBW9016 can be candidate
genotypes after results are confirmed across locations and over years.