dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate and determine the Implementation Effectiveness of
Business Technical and Vocational Education and Training Program in Somali Region Management
Institute: the Perception of Stakeholders.The study was descriptive survey study and the sample
comprised of 73 Trainees, 22 employers, 28 Business Technical and Vocational Education and
Training Graduates, 18 Trainers and 7 respondents for interview including Jijiga Management
institute Officials, Ethiopian Somali Region Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Bureau Officials, Regional Revenue Bureau Head and Regional Micro and Small Enterprises Bureau
Officials. For data collection a duly validated 5 – point Likert scale questionnaires, semi-structured
interview guide, observation checklist and document analysis were used. For data analysis the
quantitative data was analysed using frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation, one-way
Analysis Of Variance at 0.05 level of significance and the results from qualitative data was
thematically analysed with the quantitative. The results illustrated that stakeholders have low
perception towards Technical and Vocational Education and Training programs’ status and salary.
Most stakeholders thought that the program have so far produced many graduates who are working
the vast areas of the Somali region. However, the study found out that there was a shortage of the
materials for practical skills, reference books and library services in Somali region management
institute. Although the stakeholders were positive about the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training graduates’ skills, the practical and entrepreneurship skills of graduates was low.it was also
revealed that the trainers instructional activities was good in general, however, the trainers skills
with regard to relating theory with practice was low. The study also depicted that the major
challenges to the programs’ implementation including poor graduates practical skills, poor linkage
to labor market, pessimistic stakeholders’ attitude towards Technical and Vocational Education and
Training program, shortage of finance and shortage of qualified trainers, shortage of facilities and
training materials. The study also suggested some possible mechanisms to improve the effective
implementation of the program of which stakeholders’ awareness creation, enough fund for facilities
and services and strengthening stakeholder partnership were the most mechanisms. Based on the
findings; the implementation effectiveness of the program could be developed when awareness
creation is conducted, provide important materials and human resources, allocate enough fund and
closely collaborate with stakeholders. |
en_US |