The purpose of this project was to analyze the successes and challenges of education
decentralization practices in Dire Dawa City administration Education Bureau .In doing so, the
study scrutinized that whether the approaches of decentralization adapted to the Education
system of DDCAEB has considered the existing realities of the country and scholarly principles
and preconditions of education decentralization.. The research design was descriptive method.
To this end, analysis of Education policy and other essential documents developed by MoE,
scholars, NGOs, and DDEB has been made towards the mandates leveled down to various ruling
bodies(Region, Kebele/Cluster and Schools). Similarly, the witnesses of these policy and related
materials were examined across scholarly and conventionally suggested literatures. In addition
to this sample of respondents were available, randomly, and purposively selected from sample
schools. That is teachers (30%)-simple random sampling; PTAs (40%)-purposive; directors
(100%)-availability; supervisors (100%)-availability; cluster and Kebele coordinators (100%)-
availability. The respondents comprise 123(35%) stakeholders from the total of 354. Qualitative
data were collected through focus group discussion done among five groups exclusively based on
their job profession. The qualitative data were analyzed through narrative interpretation. Study
showed that the decentralization approaches of Ethiopia, in many cases, consistent of scholarly
suggested frameworks, preconditions, and principles of decentralizations. Thus, according to
various sources the education system, as a part of government administrative strategy, vertically
followed a kind of decentralization called regional devolution. On the other hand ethnic and
language based regional administration approach, curriculum preparation based on local
experiences of regions and financial regulation independence has shown us the consideration of
horizontal criterion on the process of decentralizing the education system. However, despite of
the uniqueness of DDEB administrative structure (region and kebele/cluster level only) practice
of education decentralization has faced several challenges. For example, lack of the required
skills and knowledge at kebele and Cluster level to lead the system ,unclear work structure and
line of communication, inappropriate representation of manpower in kebele/cluster level
,kebele/cluster structure was rarely assess and build the capacity of the school leadership or
teachers under them. Therefore, to fully apply education decentralization principles and state
education policy and meet its rationale, it requires capable and sufficient man power at the
lower administrative levels which promote decision making independence and innovativeness,
creating conducive environment and providing incentives to workers of education sector in order
to avoid high turnover of trained manpower, it also is essential to devise ways by which
community support system is developed. Clarifying responsibility and decision making power to
lower administrative structure and frequent supervision by upper management and professionals
are fundamental issues to be considered in case of DDCAEB, for it has differing administrative