The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation of school improvement program in refugee primary schools that assisted by UNHCR of Fafan Zone, Somali Regional State. More specifically, the study was delimited to Awbare and kebribeyah districts of Fafen zone of the three camps namely sheder, kebribeyah and Awbare refugee centers of primary schools. To carry out the study, descriptive survey research design and triangulation mixed research method were employed. To determine and select sample, simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used. Teachers, principals, supervisors, donors, education experts, and PTA members are the major sources of data of the study. To collect data from the respondents’ questionnaire, interview, and document analysis were the major instruments were employed. Subsequently quantitative data was collected, processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviations. In addition to this, inferential statistics such as One-way ANNOVA and independent-test were used to compare the mean scores of three groups (teachers, PTA and experts) and males and female. Moreover, qualitative data which collected using interview was analyzed by narration of themes. The findings of the first basic research of the study revealed that the level of involvement of stakeholders in school improvement program was an average. Additionally, most of the activities across the four domains were implemented at moderate level or {aggregate mean score 2.99 or 59.8%). Hence, from the result of the study the overall implementation of SIP was moderate. However, the last domain of implementation of SIP which is community participation is under the average level from other domains. Furthermore, shortage of school resources, absence of collaboration among stakeholders, lack of follow up and supervision on the implementation of SIP, inability of the school leaders to coordinate efforts for the program implementation are identified as averagely influencing factors that hinder implementation of SIP at study areas. Thus, scale up the implementation of the SIP, UNHCR project manager and district or zonal education bureau of Fafan Zone suggested to assign trained manpower and qualified experts on SIP, and adequate training should be provided for the all stakeholders; and donors should be encouraged, recognized and acknowledged at regional and national level for their contributions.