The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of principals‟ leadership styles on Teachers‟ Job Performance in government secondary schools of West Wollega Zone. To accomplish this purpose, the study employed a descriptive survey design. The study was carried out in ten government secondary schools of West Wollega Zone. A total of 185 respondents have participated in the study. Among them, 165 teachers were taken as a sample through simple random sampling technique. Additionally, 20 government school principals were included through purposive sampling technique. Questionnaires were distributed to teachers and interview were conducted with principals and vice principals. The analysis of the quantitative data was carried out by using frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, multiple linear regression analysis. The findings indicate that autocratic leadership is dominantly practiced by principals. In general the findings supposed to conclude, that Principals‟ leadership style of Government secondary schools of West Wollega Zone had significance effects on decision-making and delegation to improve the level of teachers‟ performance and thus teachers have not been performing to the expectation. Autocratic, leadership style beta coefficient value is .193 with the significance value of .012,have positive significance effect on teachers‟ job performance and directive and supportive leadership style beta coefficient value is -241with significance value is.012,betacoffiecent value is -236 with significant value is.002 respectively have negative significant effects on teachers‟ job performance. And democratic and laissez faire leadership style have positive significant effect on teachers‟ job performance. Therefore the way of principals‟ leadership was not implemented as expected. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the principals of governmental secondary schools should use a mixture of leadership styles