This study aimed at identifying the major challenges in promoting female teachers to have educational leadership position in Haramaya University. To conduct this study, QUAN- QUAL mixed research design was employed. The participants of this study were 166 respondents and 8 interviewees, 98 female lectures, 46 department heads, 11 school heads and 11 college dean/ associate dean/, academic vice president and gender affairs directorate were selected by purposive and available sample techniques. The data were collected by using questionnaire, interview, and document reviews. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis were employed in order to reach at the findings. Later the researcher reaches on potential problems that narrowed females partaking in educational leadership position. Such as the national gender policy and strategies problem, the university rule and regulations on gender mainstreaming problem, socio-cultural factors and females self esteem problem. And also lack of opportunities at the bottom of higher educational institution due to visible and in visible socio cultural factor and in general and lack of effective policy and strategies on the grass root level to empower and train females as a leader and the problem of awareness creation are particular major obstacle for further female advancement in educational leadership in male dominated higher educational institution. The study finding showed that in order increase female participation in higher educational institution the concerned body should to increase gender balance in teaching staff helps to get more female competent educational leaders. In addition, the university administration has to work jointly with governmental and none governmental organization to bring attitudinal changes in the communities to evade the stereotypic misconception about females and on the female attitudinal change. Finally, the policy makers should enact functional national policies and strategies which give opportunities for females at grass root level better implemented so as to attract as many female candidates as possible for enhancing their involvement in all level of leadership positions