The purpose of this research was to assess the implementation of Strategic plan in Sodo
Dache Woreda Education Offices South West Shoa Zone, Oromia. Descriptive survey
research design was employed. The subjects of the study were 1 Head of Education office, 1
Deputy head office, 1 planning and programmer , 24 Woreda Education Expertise,1
supervisor,2 principals, 3 vice principals, 10 department heads by available sampling
method. And whereas 24 teachers were selected by purposive sampling technique. The data
were collected by using the questionnaire, document review and interview guide. The collected
data were analysed by using desscribtive survey stsstics through stastical pakege for social
science software (SPSS Version 20. Anad the data obtained through questionnaires was
analyzed using statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The instruments relaibility was tasted using cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was 0.994
The findings indicate that stakeholders were one of the key factors affecting the
implementation strategic plan in the SodoDache Woreda Education Office. Therefore the
study suggest that active involvement of stakeholders at all level in preparing and
implementing was very crucial., conclusions the biggest challenge in the strategic plan
implementation in education office were inadequate involvements of stakeholders .Other
notable challenge include the problem of finance resources, leadership role, poor
communication channels the least challenge initiation in implementing strategic plan. Finally
the study recommend the Woreda Education leaders, Experts and plan and programmer
participating and involvement in preparing and implementing in strategic plan very essential.