The purpose of this study was done with objective of exploring factors affecting students’
academic achievement in national examination in sampled secondary schools of Kembate
Tembaro Zone. The subjects of the study were 139 teachers, 12 PTA, 8 principals, 3
supervisors and 6 education office experts (29 school leaders) sampled woreda and town
administrations. Totally, 168 respondents participated in the study. Convergent (parallel or
concurrent) mixed methods design was employed. Because both quantitative and qualitative
data was collected in one phase, the data were analyzed separately and then compared and
combined. Teachers were selected by simple random sampling technique while school
leaders were selected by purposive sampling. Questionnaire, interview and document revises
were used as data collection tools. The quantitative data was analyzed by frequency,
percentage, mean, standard deviation and sample t- test while qualitative data were analyzed
by descriptive narration. The finding of the study showed that the students’ academic
achievement in sampled secondary schools of Kembate Tembaro zone was medium when it
was seen from national examination of three consecutive years such as 2011-2013 E.C. The
internal factors that affected students’ academic achievement were teachers experience,
teacher’s qualification, student’s attitude, parental involvement, school facilities such as
class size and shortage of text books while the external factors that affected students’
academic achievement in study area were income of student’s family, age of the students and
education level of the parents. Therefore, the academic achievements of students in sampled
secondary schools were decreased due to above mentioned internal and external factors.
Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations were forwarded: parents
should be follow their students, mainly teachers and principals should be work cooperation
with school community to change student attitude towards learning, government should be
provide schools with reliable financial support to ensure availability of required physical
facilities as well as teaching and Learning materials, school leaders should focus on school
activity teaching and learning process