dc.description.abstract |
This study was designed to investigate some of factors affecting the management of ABE
program in Harshin woreda, Somali Regional state. It was a descriptive survey study that used
questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion instruments of data collection. The target
population of this study were all the existing ABE learning centers and their facilitators and
head facilitators, supervisors and 1 WEO expert who were purposively sampled for the study,
and ABE center improvement management committee The study used descriptive survey
design The finding of the study were Center Management Committee members do not have an
educational background; the ABE learning centers lacks facility of drinking water and latrine;
low salary and lack of incentives provision for facilitators and head facilitators, lack of
commitment due to lack of motivating incentive for the ABE centers management committee
members, lack of budget for supervisors to perform the role of monitoring and supervision
services, lack of commitment of Woreda Education Office officials; facilitators and head
facilitators poor leadership and management skills, lack of proper monitoring and supervision
by the relevant stakeholders, poor motivational level of facilitators and head facilitators were
the major factors affecting the management of ABE program in learning centers; ABE centers
are visited by the supervisors once a year due to problems related with lack of transportation
means as the learning centers are mostly far located that needs budget allocation; even if
supervisors visit, they only record the learning center data and do not interact with
facilitators; lack of in-service training (orientation, induction, among others) on the process of
leading the ABE centers improvement program is one of the major factors that CMC
encountered in the management of ABE program. It was concluded that lack of motivation,
transportation problems, economic constraints; lack of proper monitoring and supervision;
lack of budget, the ABE center CMC members and head facilitators lacking managerial
ability, lack of guiding documents in learning centers were the major factors affecting the
management of ABE program; on the other hand, lack of orientation and training on the
process of implementing the improvement program were the major factors encountered the
ABE center improvement management committee that could enable them fully involved in the
management practices of ABE program at learning centers. Therefore, based on the finding it
was recommended that framework that clearly identify the roles of ABE center head
facilitators should be developed, the ABE learning center improvement committee should be
established and provided with leadership training that could enable them effectively lead the
learning center improvement program at ABE centers, incentives should be provided for
facilitators, head facilitators, supervisors in order to motivate and increase their involvement
in the management practices, ABE program at learning centers should be properly supervised
and monitored. |
en_US |