This study was conducted to assess the genetic variation of 100 durum wheat genotypes under
water logging condition, determine associations among agro morphology and quality traits of
durum wheat, and also to assess the degree of genetic diversity among the genotypes. The
experiment was laid out in 10 x 10 simple lattice design during 2017cropping season at Debre
Zeit and Chefe Donsa research sites. The analysis of variance showed that mean squares due
to genotype and location by genotype interaction were highly significant (P≤0.01) for all 21
studied traits of combined analysis. While, location effects were highly significant (P≤0.01) for
all traits except for biological yield, harvest index, grain yield and number of kernels per spike.
As a result, the genotypes had significant variations for grain yield with the range between
3515.25 kg/ha to 7539.25 kg/ha with over all mean value of 5788.98kg/ha. The maximum grain
starch percentage of the genotypes was 68.13% (CD15DZ-ELT/1094/2015), while the
minimum was 64.53% for (CD15DZ-ELT/off/1144/2015). The total grain protein content
varied from 11.43% for (CD15DZ-ELT/off/1035/2015 to 15.38% for genotype
(CD15DZ_ELT/off/943/2015). The traits which had high PCV and GCV were grain yield,
thousand grain weight, number of kernels per spike, harvest index, and sedimentation volume.
The estimated values of H2B and GAM ranged from 61.82% to 92.48%, and 3.92% to 78.35%,
respectively; the maximum and the minimum values being associated with grain starch
percentage, plant height and gluten index, respectively in both cases. Considering the
association of characters, grain yield (kg/h) showed highly significant and positive correlation
with biomass yield, harvest index, number of effective tillers, and number of kernels per spike
at both phenotypic and genotypic levels, while highest positive genotypic and phenotypic direct
effect on grain yield was exhibited by harvest index and biological yield. Days to heading
exerted high negative (-0.74) and positive (0.79) direct effects on grain yield at genotypic and
phenotypic levels, respectively. In this study, seven significant Principal Components which
explained cumulatively 83.7% of the total variation were extracted. The genetic distance for all
possible pairs of the genotypes ranged from 46.73 to 10723.31. Accordingly, the 100 durum
wheat genotypes were grouped into four distinct clusters. However, among four main clusters
in the Dendrogram, clusters I and II accounted for the maximum cluster means and contained
the most divergent genotypes. Comparatively, depending on the present result, clusters II and
IV were characterized by high yielder genotypes possessing better yield related traits as well
as potential sources for quality traits improvement as compared to genotypes in the remaining
clusters. Generally, the present study revealed high genetic variation among the tested durum
wheat genotypes and hence, can serve as source of germplasm for durum wheat improvement
under high water-logging conditions in the central highlands of Ethiopia where durum wheat
is dominantly growing.