Learning vocabulary in the foreign language requires the use of vocabulary learning strategies which have been receiving much attention in the field of foreign language learning. The uses of vocabulary learning strategies have accompanied the shift from the teacher-oriented to the learner-centered curriculum. The main objective of the study was assessing the vocabulary learning strategies used by grade 11 students, with the reference of shinile preparatory school. The study focused on to identify types of VLS used by grade 11 students, to examine why the reason for using some VLS frequently and exploring the role of English teachers in supporting and unfolding learners using VLS. The researcher used descriptive case study research design involving, both qualitative and quantitative techniques were employed that involved questionnaire, semi-structured interview. To achieve the objectives, 45 grade 11 students, three language teachers and ten different level achievers students were participated from Shinile preparatory school. Questionnaires were used as main data-gathering instruments. The results of the study disclosed that a number of social, cognitive and meta-cognitive, memory and determination strategies were used by students. The study revealed that students’ lack of awareness towards new vocabulary learning strategies. As a result from questionnaires and interview, students’ using different vocabulary strategies were poor. The study further revealed that, there was another problem that comes from teachers, in helping and unfolding students to use different VLS.