In this study, the main objective was to evaluate reading tasks in grade nine English textbook in view of communicative language teaching. The study attempted to answer the component and the nature of reading tasks, phases of reading and the integration of reading tasks with other skills and reading strategies. To attain these objectives descriptive research designed was employed. To gather the necessary data, grade nine English textbook and four EFL teachers, who have been teaching in the grade level, were selected as participants. To select the samples available sampling technique was employed by which all EFL teachers and all grade nine English textbook reading tasks were included. The data were collected through textbook analysis and interview. Then, the data gathered through these tools were organized and analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. In order to create a holistic picture of these quantitative and qualitative data, the researcher integrated and carefully discussed them all the obtained data in relation to the research questions. The findings of the study depicted that the reading texts are taken from varieties of genres and seem to be attractive and motivating learners; however, they are not appropriately presented the reading comprehension items. The finding revealed that the reading tasks are integrated with other skills and it seems to satisfy the need and the interest of learners. However, the reading tasks are not adequately corresponding with some features of authentic texts such as, grammar and vocabulary. The result also shows that some texts are challenging for the students and the varieties of reading strategies are not evenly distributed. Therefore, it was recommended that curriculum designers should adapt reading texts to satisfy the need of the learner.