The main purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which the application of flipped
classroom instruction would improve students’ reading skills. The participants of this study were
second-year students of Haramaya University, English Language and Literature Department in
2021/22. The study employed a concurrent mixed research approach and classroom action
research as a design. Data were collected through a pre-posttest, an interview, a researcher’s
reflective diary, a questionnaire, and classroom observation. All fifteen students were involved in
the pre-posttest and questionnaire. In addition, interviews were conducted with 7 students before
the intervention and 10 students after the intervention. Furthermore, seven instructors were
interviewed before the intervention. The obtained data from the interviews, diaries, and classroom
observations were coded, categorized into themes, and analyzed qualitatively while quantitative
data from the pre-posttest were analyzed using statistical software. Given the significant
difference between the post-test and pre-test results, it can be concluded that the flipped classroom
instruction has effectively enhanced the participants' reading skills. The accompanying findings
of the study included an improvement in students’ reading motivation, a reduction in reading
anxiety, effective use of prior knowledge, and the encouragement of active reading. Likewise,
improvements were seen in students’ reading comprehension, word attack skills, and positive
attitudes of students toward reading skills because of the implementation of flipped classroom
instruction. The findings of this study suggest that teachers should modernize their pedagogical
approaches by incorporating innovative strategies such as flipped classroom instruction to better
prepare students for competitive job markets. This research also recommends that English
language curriculum designers integrate advanced strategies like flipped classroom instruction
into syllabi, textbooks, and teacher guides. Additionally, the study underscores the importance of
enhancing teachers’ potential on current trends of language teaching and learning through
effective training programs and other initiatives