dc.description.abstract |
The main objective of this study was to analyze the situational practices of implementing TBA
in teaching grammar to grade 10 students. The study focused on examining whether the teachers
and students implement and practice the contemporary approach of task based approach or not
and the factors that hinder this practice. The instruments of data collection used during the study
were questionnaire, classroom observation and document analysis. One hundred and eighty six
(186) grade 10 students who were randomly selected from the three secondary schools and all of
the nineteen (19) English language teachers in those schools were the subject of the study. One
section from nine teachers’ classes was randomly selected for classroom observation and
observation was done by the researcher twice in each class. The grammar itemes were analyzed
critically in order to check how much they are based on the contemporary TBA principles.
According to students’ response, they lost confidence and made to be reserved while they were
doing task-based activities. This reservation made the classroom passive and forced the teacher
to use traditional teacher-centered method of teaching. Teachers also described some factors
that hindered them not to use TBA effectively. During document analysis, grammar lessons in
grade 10 TB and teacher’s guide were analyzed in terms of goals, inputs, activities, roles and
setting. Lastly, based on the results of the study, the researcher presented conclusions and
forwarded some recommendations. |
en_US |